ReMapRisk is a tool that allows to map and analyse everyday and episodic risks. The tool comprises two main parts:
1. Mapping everyday and episodic disasters
2. Analysing risks, hazards and vulnerabilities in relation to everyday and episodic disasters.
This is the fifth year in a row that the city of Lima has been the object of the research practice module of the Masters in Environment and Sustainable Development from the Development Planning Unit (DPU) of the University College London (UCL), taught by Adriana Allen and Rita Lambert. The research builds upon four previous years of studies about and in Metropolitan Lima as well as the results and experience of the action-research project cLIMA sin Riesgo. The students arrived in the field in April 2017, having spent a four month period on preparatory studies in London. Fieldwork is a challenging time for the students and partners involved, where they are asked to produce a grounded analysis and key messages that could contribute to disrupting risk traps in a structural way, through urban policies as well as local action strategies.
As presentation of the final results the groups were asked to produce videos summarising their work, their approach and key messages, which we are proud to share with the public.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture
Management of everyday risk in historic centres to maintain them as inclusive centres
Housing and integrated neighbourhood programmes
Preservation of the ecological structure in the periphery
Democratically-governed water and sanitation systems
The practice module of the Masters in Environment and Sustainable Development from the Development Planning Unit (DPU) of the University College London (UCL) taught by Adriana Allen and Rita Lambert is designed to plug into the action research project cLIMA sin Riesgo. Here, participants examined the everyday risks and their impact on people’s lives and investments.
The research undertaken seeks to further the understanding of the relationship between everyday risk and urban development in Metropolitan Lima and to develop an environmental action plan in collaboration with local communities and organisations for selected case studies within this jurisdiction. Six areas were selected to ground the investigation: Costa Verde, Barrios Altos, El Agustino, José Carlos Mariátegui, Chuquitanta and Pachacamac. These were chosen in consultation with our local partners Foro Ciudades Para la Vida, CENCA and CIDAP, and offer unique readings of the city, enabling a better understanding of the urbanization processes, institutional, private and local communities practices, and socio-environmental trends operating in Metropolitan Lima.
The research included a four month desk-study in which the analysis and synthesis of secondary information was undertaken, as well as a three week fieldwork, in Lima, dedicated to mapping and the collection of primary information in each of the case studies. We invite you to look at the report and videos produced as part of the project.